Thursday, February 11, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 3: Page 23: Line 37 (322)

 The sharper who had addressed them now began to move cards around with bewildering speed.

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"The sharper"
I know language changes and we have to accept that language changes and nobody should be so strict that they can't change with the times or else you become a piece of shit traditionalist trying to keep the old world extant no matter how much harm it brings to future generations. You all know who I'm talking about. Anyway, "card shark" originated from "card sharp" and has basically taken over completely except for a few didacts (or do I mean pedantic? I suppose a didactic pedant will tell me) willing to make a Supreme Court case over it. Can you imagine not being able to watch the show Card Sharks because you're bristling with anger and frustration over the name the entire time? If you can imagine that, welcome to my world! And I love that game show! But oh boy does it make me angry!
    The other phrase that bothers me is when people say "You've got another thing coming" when it was originally "You've got another think coming." Once again, the change in the phrase has pretty much won out. Using "You've got another think coming" is like spelling "lose" correctly on the Internet; you might technically be in the right but most people are just going to think you're an illiterate looser (it doesn't help that "looser" is an actual word so autocorrect isn't helping anybody!).
    Oh, I just thought of another phrase: "music to soothe the savage breast." We all know that one as "music to soothe the savage beast" and, you know what, we're all better off for that change. Nobody wants to say "breast" in mixed company! So awkward!

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