"Very helpful, thanks," Lew murmured, and tried to leave, only to find the door would not open.
* * * * * * * * * *
I'm glad to see Lew finds the advice he was getting from "experts" as terrible and irrelevant to his situation as I found it. He wants to know why he can't remember the sin that he supposedly committed and everybody is all, "Oh, past lives! Future lives! Hallucinations, both by you and the sin!" At this point, I'm not even sure if their advice is even about that! I can't come up with a question Lew would have asked that would have garnered these responses.
"What was my sin?"
"Past lives!"
"Why can't I remember my sin?"
"Future lives!"
"Why do people treat me so horribly?"
"Spontaneous hallucination!"
I'm just as angry at Lew for going to several of these experts as I am at the experts themselves.