Chevrolette managed to mollify even Lindsay by borrowing his "skimmer" and holding it coyly in front of their faces, as if to conceal a furtive kiss, while the frolicsome Darby Suckling, without whose spirited "clowning" no group snapshot would have been complete, threatened the pair with a baseball bat and a comical expression meant to convey his ingenuous notion of jealous rage.
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"Chevrolette managed to mollify even Lindsay by borrowing his "skimmer" and holding it coyly in front of their faces, as if to conceal a furtive kiss"
"Well, I guess if an attractive woman is going to flirt with me, I can forget about this man selling his daughter into an almost certainly loveless future marriage with a boy I think of as a despicable and lazy human being" is something Lindsay probably thought being that it's the same thought any teenaged virgin boy would have had. An attractive woman suddenly flirting with you can make you forget even the most immediate and over-the-top human rights violations! "I can't believe those police are beating those protest . . . did Sherry just playfully touch my leg and rub her boob on my arm?!"
"the frolicsome Darby Suckling, without whose spirited "clowning" no group snapshot would have been complete"
Wait until the joy and wonder of life has been sucked completely out of Darby Suckling and we'll see how great group photographs become! We all know, especially with somebody like Lindsay hanging about sucking the joy out of everything like marrow from a bone, that Lindsay's frolicsome attitude isn't going to hold up too long into his teen years. Group photos will quickly go from everybody laughing at Darby "clowning" around to everybody looking awkward and slightly scared of the scowling teenager with the dark eyeliner, ripped jacket, fingerless leather gloves, and the uncombed jet-black dyed hair. You might be thinking, "Hey, Grunion Guy, don't you think Chick Counterfly would be a more obvious peer who will cause this turn in Darby's personality?" and I say, "Did you not grow up around adults, you traitor?!" Your peers and friends definitely have say in the things you like or the fashion you wear but they're never the ones who destroy your sense of wonder and joy for living! That's on the fucking adults in the room!
"threatened the pair with a baseball bat"
I guess Darby carries a baseball bat around with him like Harley Quinn?
Not pictured (or, you know, described) Randolph looking stupefied, Chick eyeballing Dahlia, and Miles Blundell falling on his face.