"Deadbeats!" he screamed, by way of introducing them to the quatercentennial celebration of Columbus's advent upon our shores.
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Perhaps this is a sly wink at the fact that the Chums of Chance are actually dead boys? If the crew of the Inconvenience don't happen to be ghosts or angels, I'm going to be as disappointed as Dick Grayson never winding up being Harvest. I mean it was right there in the story! How did Scott Lobdell fuck up his run of Teen Titans even more than he was already fucking it up and was going to continue to fuck it up? At least he could have written one cool moment that actually worked in story terms by making Harvest future Dick Grayson who had been turned into a vampire and lived for a thousand years before traveling back in time!
Shouting "Deadbeats!" at each other should be the official greeting on Columbus Day. Although that point is sort of moot now that we're basically phasing out that shit National Holiday and replacing it with Indigenous Peoples' Day. Which is actually the absolute least this country can do for Native Americans. The fucking absolute least.
Here is a knock knock joke I wrote for Columbus Day. Some people will think it's a terrible joke because it portrays truthfully what Europeans did to the Native Americans and they'll think I'm having a laugh at the horror. Other people will think it's a terrible joke because they love being white so much that they need to pretend that white people have never acted terribly ever and everything they did made the world a better place for everybody and not just for themselves. Basically, nobody will like this joke unless you're a huge prick who finds nothing sacred. Like me!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
The White Man!
The White Man who?
Get out of my fucking house!
Too soon?