He poured syrup on a towering stack of pancakes out of which butter melted and ran.
* * * * * * * * * *
Leisurely and luxuriously, Nate Privett is about to tell Lew Basnight all bout the evils of unions and immigrant labor. Is what I suspect! He seemed like a dick when Randolph met with him and he seems like a dick now.
Remember Nate's first description in this chapter: "A plump and dapper individual . . . buying domestic cheroots." Cheroots are cheap cigars, cheaper even, I presume, if they're made domestically. So he looks nice, he's well fed, and he buys cheap cigars. When he eats, it's a towering stack of pancakes full of butter and syrup. I'm getting a really unflattering image of a low-to-middle income believer in capitalism, earning his money while walking on the heads of those worse off than him, like Legolas fighting orcs while standing on the heads of dwarves in barrels.
I just re-watched (and read!) The Hobbit so I'll probably be using a lot of Hobbit metaphors and analogies during the next few weeks.
The bottom line is that Nate seems like a grotesque and gluttonous human being with shitty priorities. Maybe all of that evidence isn't completely, um, evident but I think I know a shit human being when I see one. Also remember he sent Lew aboard the Inconvenience to spy on "anarchists" which is definitely the detective agency codeword for "unionists." He may as well be a Pinkerton.