"If I told you, I would have to hear it once again, and once has already been more than enough."
* * * * * * * * * *
Oh no! Poor Troth's delicate sensibilities! Having to voice aloud the supposed sin of her husband is practically too much to bear! How dare Lew ask her to engage in a reasonable discussion of it? And why not say it out loud yet again since it's already screaming right there in your brain anyway! Just say it, you jerk! SAY IT ALREADY!
You know what? Troth is the real monster! Lew's better off without the sort of person who will refuse to have a rational discussion by both believing what other people say over their loved one and also refusing to even bring up the matter directly!
Oh! My temperature is rising! I'm really getting involved in this relationship! It's like The Real Housewives of 1893 Downstate Illinois!
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