Saturday, September 30, 2023

Chapter 1: Section 7: Page 59: Lines 47-48 (1028-1029)

 "Nothin much. You're sure welcome to look."


Merle pulling his best polite response to avoid getting his ass beat by a cop, all of whom believe their gut instincts are always correct and that beating and possibly killing a regular citizen is justified if the cop's gut has judged that the person the cop has decided to harass has committed the least crime imaginable. To a cop, no crime exists that can't wind up in an instant death penalty if they fucking feel like administering it. It needs to be legal to pelt cops with eggs when citizens see them abusing their power. It also needs to be legal to prosecute them for criminal acts. Enough of this bullshit where the District Attorney rarely ever puts a cop on trial for some heinous violence they've committed because if they do, the cops will retaliate and stop working with the District Attorney as witnesses on other cases and the District Attorney's win percentage will drop and they'll feel humiliated and they won't be able to perform in the bedroom with their spouse anymore.

That didn't have anything to do with the text. If you want some commentary on the text, here you go: "I don't have any commentary on these lines. But what I do have commentary on is how awful people who defend police brutality are. Who the fuck goes around carrying water for cops by instantly believing the cops version because the person they've killed is far too dead to defend themselves? Who are these assholes who will justify police murder by saying the most trite and unintelligent bullshit such as 'They should have complied!' As if being confronted by a cop, whom we know will murder at the drop of a hat which he'll later say he thought was a gun, isn't already scary and confusing before they decide to escalate a simple situation so that they can feel justified using whatever force they want. Cop defenders are the worst people in the world."

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