Saturday, September 30, 2023

Chapter 1: Section 7: Page 59: Line 51 (1032)

 "Another candidate for Newburgh here, looks like."


Probably an asylum or prison. Looking it up on, Newburgh was an asylum, known as the Cleveland State Hospital, Northern Ohio Lunatic Asylum, The Newburgh Asylum, or The Cleveland Asylum for the Insane.

Was that assumption based on my bias of police or the fact that Pynchon just said the police were getting truculent? Would a person who loves cops and be on the side of cops in any situation have thought, "Oh! I bet Newburgh is a nice place to relax with a coffee or tea and calm down. He probably suggested it because Merle was getting so animated and excited discussing the scientific experiment!" Or would they, too, have been all, "Probably a prison or a morgue! And a well-deserved place to stick this uppity liberal intellectual!"

Here's a quick tip for dumb people so they don't expose how dumb they are when somebody assumes they're smart: don't get mad when you don't understand something! Only dumb people feel dumb and angry when somebody else shows how smart they are! Smart people also don't understand stuff but they show curiosity instead of anger when exposed to it! That's free advice from a great big dumby! Don't tell the smarts how dumb I am! *wink*

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