Friday, April 7, 2023

Chapter 1: Section 7: Page 58: Lines 24-25 (1005-1006)

 "Guess I'd better go take a look. Probably that gear train again."


The guy just came out with singed hair and smelling of burning flesh and cleaning products. I don't think it was the gear train. I think the Professor decided to try holding the Leyden Jar in his non-cranking hand. He may also have been re-attempting the "What happens if the jar is down my pants?" experiment. Maybe he was rubbing the glass spheres against his scrotum to generate the static electricity? Am I projecting too many of my own kinks onto the Professor? Although his name is Heino Vanderjuice. There's got to be a semen joke in their somewhere.

Maybe the more important part of Merle's response is for the reader to understand that Merle has the know-how to build and fix an electrostatic generator!

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