Saturday, December 10, 2022

Chapter 1: Section 6: Page 54: Line 169 (962)

 The other danger was less easy to speak of, and everyone—except possibly Pugnax, whose thoughts were difficult of access—found themselves speaking in euphemisms.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sometimes sky pilots kill themselves. Although, is not having a gun really much of a deterrent to suicide aboard an airship? It's more likely if a Chum found themselves depressed or ashamed or broken-hearted, wouldn't going for a gun in the armory take quite a bit more time than simply strolling over the side of the deck?

"except possibly Pugnax"
What a weird moment to remind everybody about Pugnax! He was the least of my worries about causing harm with a gun and he's even less of a worry for committing suicide! Puppy power!

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