Saturday, December 10, 2022

Chapter 1: Section 6: Page 54: Line 162 (955)

 The boys gave Lew a gold-and-enamel Chums of Chance honorary membership pin to be worn beneath his lapel, which, upon being revealed at any branch anyplace in the world, would entitle him to all visitors' privileges provided for in the C. of C. Charter.

* * * * * * * * * *

Who the fuck are the Chums of Chance and why do they apparently have branches all over the globe?! Forget about being paranoid about moving to the long gone Frontier! Be paranoid about gangs of school children with enough power and capital to live in balloons traveling all over the world while spying on everybody! Just because they're kind, it doesn't make them just! Is that sentence a palindrome? "Just them make doesn't it, kind they're because just!" It is!

"any branch anyplace in the world"
So am I to believe there aren't just other clubs ballooning around the world but also other "Chums of Chance" as well? Or are the various branches just meant as support for this one group of balloon boys in wide ranging cities around the world? What are these kids up to?!

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