Thursday, March 18, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 4: Page 33: Line 157-158 (529-530)

 "He seems different these days. You notice anything?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Ray is talking about the Professor. He's asking Merle and Chevrolette as if they've hung around him enough to notice. Maybe they have. I haven't been privy to every single thing that's happened since this story began. Maybe Merle had enough time with the Professor on the ride to the steak house to notice the Professor has become severely agitated and anxious due to his economic dealings with a man named Scarsdale Vibe. It's his own fault, of course. As soon as somebody tries to shake my hand and says, "Hello, my name is Scarsdale," I would be saying, "Okay. Nice to meet you but I have to jump out of this window and run away down the street like an out of control ping pong ball now!"

Actually, that's my reaction whenever anybody tries to shake my hand. But dealing with a man by the name of Scarsdale is like putting punctuation on a text message to a youth. It's only going to cause trouble.

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