Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Chapter 1: Section 6: Page 55: Line 182 (975)

 Speculation began to fill the day.

* * * * * * * * * *

Since we're apparently against the day, does that mean we should be against speculation as well? Because that's all I've got, Pynchon! Am I about to learn a lesson about speculation and how it's the academic version of worrying? Like without any solid proof to form theories, it's all just guesswork and nonsense? Because I'm 98% guesswork and nonsense.

Maybe speculation is like assumption and you know how that makes an ass out of "u" and "mption."

Oh yeah! I should speculate too being that I know the Chums are in Chicago and they're supposed to now head east by south. Let me see . . . I bet that means they're going into the center of the Earth! I did not read ahead! Your mom read ahead!

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