Unemployed men from out of town, exhausted, unbathed, flatulent, sullen . . . collegians having a look in at possibilities for hell-raising . . .
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The dichotomy between those who have lived under the brutal working conditions of the current capitalist system and those with privilege who have yet to (and probably never will). The unemployed men unable to even clean themselves up for this meeting, probably itinerant from looking for work, hoping to hear viable ways to effect change. The privileged young just looking for a good reason to smash a window or pelt a cop with a rock. Being that the meeting is about anarchy, I don't think you can have one side without the other.
Oh, and you also get those looking to infiltrate the group so that they can do as much harm to the group's public image as possible. Cops lighting stores on fire during protests to blame it on the protesters. Detectives memorizing faces and names of people to be hunted down later when some strike goes awry and the cops turn it violent. Nate's hoping Lew will be one of these guys, I'm sure. I'm hoping Lew learns a little bit about compassion.
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