Thursday, February 4, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 3: Page 21: Line 13 (298)

 Presently they found a gap in the fence, and an admissions gate with something of the makeshift about it, lit by a single candle-stub, whose attendant, a scowling Asiatic midget of some sort, though eager enough to take their proffered fifty-cent pieces, had to be pressed by the scrupulous Lindsay for a duly executed receipt.

* * * * * * * * * *

Just like a good Lawful Evil person, Lindsay doesn't mind sneaking cheaply into the Fair if he can pretend everything is on the up and up. If it was just a hole in the fence with nobody manning it, Lindsay would make some excuse about going in for free while pointing out that it's the Fair's responsibility to maintain the fence properly if they didn't want people sneaking in for free. Maybe that might tend a bit too close to Neutral for Lindsay's tastes (he'd still do it; Lawful Evil people do whatever the fuck they want whenever they can but they prefer to keep some thin veneer of law and order about their machinations and wrongdoings). But getting the receipt is the cherry on top of the Lawful Evil behavior.

Yes, I know, sneaking into a Fair at a reduced rate through a makeshift gap in the fence manned by a stereotypical 1890s foreign villain isn't exactly "evil." The "evil" part of Lindsay's alignment comes from Lindsay himself being a huge bully and a jerk-faced jerko.

"the scrupulous Lindsay"
The problem with the adjective "scrupulous" is that it doesn't quite describe what Lindsay (and I might as well add this so that people who haven't quite gotten it yet understand me completely: ". . . and Republicans") really is. The definition of "scrupulous" is "very concerned to avoid doing wrong." But what Lindsay actually is is "very concerned that somebody will notice them doing wrong." He's just concerned about getting caught; getting a receipt is how Lindsay's covers his own ass.

"their proffered fifty-cent pieces"
The cost to get into the Fair in 1893 was actually fifty cents. So Lindsay and Miles aren't actually cheating the system other than that they're ignoring how shady this entrance to the Fair is. That must be why the receipt; Lindsay knows this is some con man but what difference does it make if they're paying regular Fair prices anyway? The cost for children under 12 was a quarter, so this narrows down Miles and Lindsay's age by a bit. They're definitely teenagers.
    And just because Lindsay and Miles paid the correct price, I'm not revoking the shit I just said about Lindsay! He's a Lawful Evil conservative bastard crowing about Law and Order while wielding his power in a way that lets him do whatever he wants.

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