Monday, May 3, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 6: Page 47: Line 39 (832)

 Despite his youth he was said to give an impression of access to resources beyond his own, of being comfortable in the shadows and absolutely unprincipled, with an abiding contempt for any distinction between life and death.

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Max Khäutsch is the Darth Maul of Against the Day. That means he's both a tremendous bad-ass and, I'm predicting, he's defeated in a humiliatingly brief battle.

I'm just talking about The Phantom Menace Darth Maul and not all of Darth Maul's subsequent appearances and build up of his character simply because some marketer was all, "Wait. The most loved character in this movie died immediately? What are we going to do about that." And somebody shrugged and was all, "Not much we can do! Kenobi cut him in half!" And then a mahogany table full of suits sat around brainstorming, mostly going, "Um. Uh. Duh?" Then one of them was all, "Wasn't Darth Vader, like, 85% robot?" And somebody snapped their fingers and was all, "Yes! Darth Maul can be half robot! Now, which half should we make robot?" After that they worked out the details and stuck him in some cartoons.

Just in case my comparison with Darth Maul doesn't mean anything to you, let me say that Max seems like a savant when it comes to criminal activity and assassination. Everybody says, "He's so young! But his contacts with the underground and his knowledge of the 1893 dark web are astounding! Unparalleled! This boy can do anything he wants, especially since he's unconcerned with how many people are standing between his target and the wildly erratic sword he's swinging!"

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