Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 5: Page 39: Line 80 (662)

 "Remorse without an object is a doorway to deliverance."

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Remorse (or the feeling of guilt) without an object (to the point: the cause of that remorse) is a doorway (or a path, a way, a means) to deliverance (liberation from that remorse and guilt). So Drave is basically saying, "Look! You've got it easy, buddy! You can't remember what you did wrong so you have no idea who you've wronged. Well good news! That makes it even easier to atone for that wrong! Without the object wronged by your actions, the only thing standing in your way of atonement and liberation from the guilt is you!"

Or maybe he's just saying, "The attitude of wanting atonement is the key to a liberated life." Those who seek forgiveness, who want to be better people, even without a concrete pain leading them to this decision, have found the only way to truly be free. Just wanting to be better already makes you slightly better.

Drave is like some kind of other-worldly, back-alley, carnival barker therapist. He is to Lew what blogging on the Internet is to me.

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