"Then I'll look for a place here in town, good suggestion Troth, thank you. . . ."
* * * * * * * * * *
Lew's being way too kind. But I suppose, what else should he do? He's realized his impotence in this situation. He lost before he even knew there was a competition happening. How do you defend yourself against this kind of a societal force aggressively bearing down on you for no comprehensible reason? Lew is caught up in the wave of history and he can do nothing but submit, go under, and drown. He can't even expect the truth to save him because he doesn't know the truth and the truth could be as condemning as everybody seems to think it is. The truth convinced Troth and now Troth and truth aren't on Lew's side. He cannot defend himself so why not just look for a place in Chicago and start over?
Oh, that's why he's all, "Good suggestion, Troth!" Because that's what he was going to do anyway. Maybe he's being a little bit sarcastic here!
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