Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 5: Page 37: Line 25 (607)

 As to the specifics of this lapse, well, good luck.

* * * * * * * * * *

What?! How dare you, Thomas Pynchon! Finally a hint at an adult revelation and you give us the old "Well, you're not going to hear it from me, you horny goat!" First you have the kids pass by a Reindeer Show, then you have Chick and Darby go backstage at a hoochie coochie show but only off-panel and now you hint at some committed sin and refuse to describe it! I'm getting pretty sick of you not titillating me!

I mean, Gravity's Rainbow had boners blasting off higgledy-piggledy and smashing vaginal craters all over London not to mention that disgusting stuff Pudding was into! So I pick up Against the Day thinking, "Pynchon loves sexual metaphor! This is going to be great!" And then it's all Boy's Adventure Novel shenanigans!

I haven't been this blue-balled since reading The Everlasting Story of Nory by Nicholson Baker!

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