Saturday, March 13, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 4: Page 32: Line 135 (507)

 "Out of a belief, surely fathomable, that merely to need a sum is not to deserve it."

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And this statement gets to the heart of American life. It's the great illusion many people choose to live by: some people don't deserve life; it must be earned. Just imagine thinking that way. Imagine being such a bitter, angry, cynical, envious piece of shit that you're constantly judging the way other people live based on some arbitrary system you've either created or bought into. Imagine choosing to be a carpenter and then being angry at a poet for not also being a carpenter. Imagine having inherited money and still thinking that you earned it and your life means more than somebody who didn't inherit any money.

Fuck. You don't have to imagine any of that. If you live in America, just look around. Way too high a percentage of the people you're surrounded by believe this shit that life must be earned. And this is why religion, on top of wealth, is such a travesty. Because now you're teaching people that the afterlife must be earned! Not only must you waste your one precious life working your ass off, almost certainly not being compensated enough for it, but you also need to waste your one precious life not enjoying earthly things because you're trying to earn a place in the afterlife.

Goddamn. Imagine throwing your only life away for fictions and plutocratic machinations? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I'm so depressed now!

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