After a moment, "Thing is, I believe he would have hung on. If he could have. We were partners, see? Always had something going. Some swell little moneymaker. Not always to the sheriff's liking, but enough to keep beans in the pot. Didn't mind all the midnight relocations, but those small-town courtrooms, I never could get used to them. Judge'd take one look at us, up went that hammer, whiz! we were usually out the door and on the main road before it came back down again."
* * * * * * * * * *
The use of all these short sentences said quickly without giving Darby a chance to interject suggests a kid trying to convince himself of some lie he's concocted in his mind. It's the catechism of the abandoned child. "Would Pop have hung on? Yes, if he could have. What were we, Pop and I? Partners. What did we have going? Swell little moneymakers. Who was our enemy? The sheriff and the small town judges. Did we stay fed? Yes, with beans. Who loved me? Pop."
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