Friday, January 15, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 2: Page 15: Line 66-69 (171-174)

 There's fellows live in little towns,
And those who live on farms,
And never seem to wander far
From smiles and loving arms—
They always know just who they are
And how their lives will go—
And then there's boys like us, who say
Good-bye before hello,
For we're the 
Aces of Altitudes
Vagabonds of the Void. . . .
When some folks shrink with terror, say,
We scarcely get annoyed.
Let the winds blow clear off the Beaufort Scale,
And the nights grow dark as can be,
Let the lightning lash,
And the thunder thrash,
Only cheerful young hearts have we!
For . . .
the Chum of Chance is a pluc-ky soul,
Who shall neither whine nor ejac-u-late,
For his blood's as red and his mind's as pure
As the stripes of his bla-a-zer immac-u-late!

* * * * * * * * * *

If you've been wondering up until this point, "What makes these Chums tick?", wonder no more! They've got a song about it! They're carefree wanderers who can't be tied down to any farm or town! They're hard boys who don't need a mother's hug or a father's proud pat on the back! They need no schedule nor plans for their futures selves! They've got the courage of those few hardy souls who aren't afraid of the unknown! They're all basically James Tiberius Kirk.

Also, we've learned that their red, white, and blue uniforms are symbolic of their bodies and minds. Red is for the blood that streams through their veins by an adventurous heart! White is for their young minds pure and free from any earthly constraints or social expectations! And their balls are as blue as the testicles of plucky young souls who never ejaculate!

I would explain what the Beaufort Scale is but if you're reading this blog, you're probably a big nerdy Billy Joel fan and you learned what that was in 1989 when you ran out to get his new album with the hit song from the MTV video, "We Didn't Start the Fire."

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