Thursday, January 14, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 2: Page 13: Line 55 (160)

 By the time Lindsay could remove the optical instrument from the moist hands of Miles Blundell, and induce the consequently disgruntled youth to throw out grapnels and assist Darby in securing the great airship to "Mother Earth," the indecorous couple had vanished among the foliage, as presently would this sector of the Republic into the falling darkness.

* * * * * * * * * *

The first clause of this sentence is pure sex. The optical instrument, as we've determined, represents a boner. And what do you think Miles Blundell's moist hands represent, hmm? I phrased it this way so I don't accidentally teach all of the kids reading this blog how to do sex. Of course if I leave it like this, they'll simply think, "Oh! What part of the body is moist? The mouth! Babies are made by sticking pee-pees in mouths!"

And while they won't be getting any babies out of that misinformation, at least they'll enjoy themselves while trying. I mean the naïve teenagers who are reading this blog and not actual kids! Don't be gross! No pre-teen is going to read a one thousand page book not about stupid wizards.

Come to think of it, the second clause is also pure sex! Sending out "grapnels" to secure themselves to "Mother Earth." I'm getting hot and sweaty just thinking about how hot and sweaty this is getting me.

Oh shit. Thomas Pynchon calls America a Republic here. Is he one of those twats on Twitter who refuse to accept that America is a democracy so that they can rationalize their dreams of only old white men from rural counties maintaining power?

Pynchon describes the couple as "indecorous" but isn't it only the woman whose impropriety was on full display? He was just taking candid shots of her! Perfectly decorous, according to societal standards.

"consequently disgruntled"
This is my new phrase for blue balls.

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