Sunday, January 10, 2021

Chapter 1: Section 2: Page 13: Line 46 (151)

 From an instrument locker nearby, he produced a powerful spyglass, and trained it upon the objects of curiosity.

* * * * * * * * * *

A spyglass is a phallic object. Pynchon is obsessed with phallic objects. He has to be! He wrote an entire 800 page book about one of the biggest ever! So Miles sees a naked person and the first thing he does is reach for his spyglass. It's almost like I'm reading The Fermata!

Okay, it's nothing like that. But that book was all about masturbating when you're supposed to be writing so it's sort of the same thing. Also, I wonder how well that book plays today with the younger generations. There's a ton of non-consensual sex in that thing. I don't think stopping time to not get caught means you're not some kind of sex pest. But then, the book isn't meant to be taken literally anyway! Which is weird for literature, right?! Do those words have a common ancestor?

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