Monday, December 28, 2020

Chapter 1: Section 1: Page 9: Line 92

 "But," it occurred to Chick, "if you keep going far enough north, eventually you pass over the Pole, and then you're heading south again."

* * * * * * * * * *

And thus the super galaxy brain meme was invented by Chick Counterfly in 1893.

This sounds like anybody on acid. I once went on a rant about how you press the pause button to pause the tape in the VCR but then you hit the pause button again to get it to play instead of hitting the play button. Right now, you're thinking, "Um. What? So. You can probably hit play too, right? Who cares?!" But you're only thinking that because you're not currently on LSD. Although if you are currently on LSD and you did just read that, I apologize for blowing your mind.

Here's the thing: I would totally be making fun of Chick Counterfly believing that every aspect of an analogy needs to be accurate to be a good analogy except I've read the rest of this conversation already and, apparently, Randolph St. Cosmo really thought this thing through. It's super accurate!

But pretend I didn't know that yet! Here's the thing with Chick thinking the analogy somehow needs to be iron clad. Does he expect Randolph to say, "Oh, yeah. That's true so I guess my analogy doesn't make complete sense. I'll have to think up another." Except if your analogy has to perfectly mirror the situation it is analogizing then you might as well just state the original situation! The only comparative story that's going to match your story is your original story!

Analogies are terrible anyway. I'm not saying they're not interesting or can be cute or whimsical or fun! But the only reason anybody makes an analogy is because the analogy makes the original situation look better or worse to the person you're debating. Also, if you think the original statement is too confusing and needs to be stated by using an example of a different situation that's similar, what makes you think your analogy is going to be understood without its own analogy?! Can we just discuss the matter at hand and stop with all this nonsense?!

Oh man. I think I'm arguing Lindsay's side of this! I approve of the way Lindsay just stated the facts! Except didn't I come to the conclusion that Lindsay's statement of the natural law that temperature decreases with altitude was just an analogy for following the rules aboard ship?! I did! I totally did! So Lindsay is actually terrible still.

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