Saturday, December 5, 2020

Chapter 1: Section 1: Page 4: Line 21

 "All right, short-stuff, turn to," muttered Lindsay, reluctantly setting the terrified Darby back on his feet.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ugh. "Reluctantly." I mean, really, Pynchon, the way you had Lindsay mutter was enough to show his reluctance. But I'll accept that a writer is going to make a few errors in judgment when he's writing a thousand page book in a six point font. Anyway, these jerkos and their love of bullying and power and control have gotten straight up my wazoo!

I can't believe I just criticized Thomas Pynchon's use of one single word! I feel like I can take on the world! I'm mad with power! I . . . I . . . I should utilize this feeling while I have it! Here goes:

You know what else you did wrong, Pynchon?! You didn't prepare me for the amount of boners in your books! That's on you. How was I supposed to know that you loved writing so much about boners?! Maybe it's also on my college professors because if just one of them had said, "You know who really likes to write about boners?" and then answered, "No, Thomas Pynchon," after I had wrongly guessed "Kurt Vonnegut," I would have read all of these books so much sooner!

God, I love boners!

Whew. I feel good making that admission! I feel free!

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